DeaDjahManN - Patrol

2024.10.13. 10:11

A visualhoz használt stock videók forrása a



Silent dawn's cool kiss,

Burns a furrow on my brow.

Silent and calm, yet peace amiss.

No command nor question now,

But something still makes me sorrow.


Verse 1:

Now the sunbeam would erase,

Dreams from my eyes' embrace,

But where it roams, I've no place.


My path under my curse extends,

Leads me away from heaven's ends.

The fog I shed like a blanket worn,

Rise from shadows as from mourning born.


Shattered memories spread afar,

Lifelines now as black as tar.

Like boots, I don the earth again,

In my heart, love's a hidden sin, a pain.

In my pouch, secrets lie concealed,

Carried by the wind, my fate is sealed.



Silent dawn's cool kiss,

Burns a furrow on my brow.

Silent and calm, yet peace amiss.

No command nor question now,

But something still makes me sorrow.


Verse 2:

-/I walk/


--/I just walk./


Every day the same guise,

Though it seems different in my eyes.

With my gaze, cruel mirage plays,

Yet I know the who, where, and days,

For I have lived all that one can in these ways.


And perhaps one day I will find,

The place where my seven plum trees bind.

Then, tasting the heavenly manna's gift,

I'll cast off my dusty, worn boots swift.


And rest my soul’s veil in a soft lift.


In the green blades, my life will stir anew,

Living again, though in fantasy's view.

My pen, the sole wealth of my worn life,

I'll set down, solidifying blood-ink strife.

Dreams like flowers I'll leave behind,

And with stars, my weary body entwined.



Silent dawn's cool kiss,

Burns a furrow on my brow.

Silent and calm, yet peace amiss.

No command nor question now,

But something still makes me sorrow.


(Stretching out, unafraid, I take one last breath.

My cover reaches as far as the eye can see, and then come the angels…)

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